Friday, June 19, 2009

North Korea, Iran, Israel and your pets????

On this Rapture Ready Radio show we had a little fun at the expense of people who use the Rapture for sales, even though they are atheists! What a joke. Look at this one: These people are asking about 90.00 to take your pets after you have been raptured. I thought atheists did not believe in this whole Jesus Christ thing! We sent them an email and shockingly, they have not adhered to our request to come on the show.

Deborah Dombrowski from gave a compelling interview on the contemplative situation in our churches today. We are certainly in the seventh church age that Revelation talked about. The church of Laodecia is here! We are definitely in the last age , so the Rapture will be any day now. I also asked her if she thought the Rapture would happen in her lifetime and she responded with "It certainly appears that way!" she also told a story from an author that is a Holocaust survivor. She was asked a while back during the Holocaust did you think the end times were near? She said "No, I knew eventually Hitler would get overthrown and it would be over. I did not think the rapture would have happened then. I do think the Rapture will happen very soon in this age though!"

That is simply amazing. Knowing the atrocities that happened during the Holocaust and seeing that now we are in the end times as apposed to back then!

North Korea is allegedly set to fire a missile towards the United States during the Fourth of July weekend. What are we doing about it? Nothing much from the White House as usual.

These Iran protests are a sight to see. Millions of oppressed Iranians are in the streets. Some of them are getting killed and Obama is too busy chastising Israel to take a stand in this conflict. I tell you what, this is one time I do miss George Bush!

Nathan Ewing from filled in for Christy Lee this week and did a fantastic job on Spiritual Healing. We have talked a lot about the church lately and he challenged churches to roll up their sleeves and get back out in the community.

Do not forget to submit your non lukewarm church to . We are compiling a list of churches that people can find true Grave and Salvation end!

Until next time if I don't see you on here, or on the email, I will definitely see you in the air very soon!

God Bless

Matt Buff
Rapture Ready Radio

Sunday, May 17, 2009

Angels, Visions, Dreams, and Miracles

This was a fun show to do because of the stories we heard about miracles and angels. I love how God has charged the angels to watch over His people. Jimmy Z started the show by telling us a close encounter he had with traffic. Only God' s mercy could have saved him and it did!

Christy Lee gave a terrific "Spiritual Healing" on angels in the Bible.

Jack Olson from Olson House is a Catholic Christian who believe the Rapture of the Church could be in the next three years! This is a must listen!

God Bless,

See you on the next show!

Matt Buff
Rapture Ready Radio

Thursday, May 7, 2009

Rapture Ready Radio 4-28-09 Wilfred Hahn

This week we were still working out some technical issues with a new sound board and we feel we got the sound a little better, but the May 6th Show was going to be one show with optimal sound.

Christy Lee has been a perfect voice for Spiritual Healing. Her smooth voice and skillful writing has provided a deep and rich segment for Rapture Ready Radio. With Todd, Terry, Matt, and Jimmy, this is the only woman on the show right now and she provides a powerful segment that provides God's good news for all of us. Christy Lee is a hard working member of the show who joined us with very short notice and has proven that she is the very best fit for this segment!

Wilfred Hahn, is the first featured writer from Rapture Ready to join the show. Mr. Hahn gave a powerful interview about the one world currency and one world government that you will not want to miss. He has a brilliant mind and love for God and has devoted his life to helping Christians understand finances and prophecy.

Guns, Guns, and more guns. This is a great segment with Todd and Terry from Rapture Ready. Rapture Talk is one of the most popular segments on the show because fans of Rapture Ready get a chance to hear from the founder and editor of Rapture Ready. This is a spirited debate and the right to bear arms.

We had an influx of Rapture news concerning Israel this week and we know the time is soon. Iran is bearing down and what is the United States doing? That is the ultimate question. More on this is the 5-6-09 show notes.
We now have the message board up on and we look forward to getting into a good dialog with our listeners. Post topics and questions on there and we will address them on the message board or on the show. In these end times, we want to make sure everyone is rapture ready!
God Bless!
Matt Buff
Rapture Ready Radio

Tuesday, April 28, 2009

This show we talked about how Obama covered an image of Jesus at Georgetown University and then used the parable of building your house upon the sand versus the rock. As Christians, we know that the rock Jesus talked about was Him! Building your life on the secure foundation of Jesus Christ is the only true way to peace and happiness.

Obama not only failed to give Jesus credit for the parable, he used the parable in economic terms, while standing in front of a picture of Jesus the administration covered up.

This is not only disturbing to see, but it represents a trend in this new administrations intolerance for Christianity. The Department of Homeland Security released the "Right Wing Extremist" report that is not getting much attention for the main stream media these days. If you are pro life and talk about Bible Prophecy for example, you could be put on a watch list. It is simply amazing to watch all of this unfold before our eyes. All the things the Bible teaches us about the last days are happening including the persecution of Christians and many turning their back on God.

Dr. H. Wayne House is Distinguished Research Professor of Biblical and Theological Studies at Faith Evangelical Seminary (Tacoma, WA). and Adjunct Professor of Law, Trinity Law School of Trinity International University. He is the New Testament editor of the Nelson Study Bible and Nelson Illustrated Bible Commentary, and the General Editor of Nelson Exegetical Commentary (42 vols), Israel: the Land and the People, and Charts of Bible Prophecy, among the 30 books that he has authored, co-authored, or edited. He joined us for a riveting segment on his work and end times prophecy. He is a great mind and his work for God is amazing.

With more news from and a feature on "Prophecy on Fast Forward" this became our first great show not attached to a network. Pod casting the show has been a huge benefit as we have increased the show length by one hour!

There is so much news and information for people out the that want to be Rapture Ready that we cannot be confined by time.

We did lose one member of the team who was focused too much on battling religions. We do not want to start Christian to Christian trouble because we are under attack from the left and anti Christians enough!

The next show features Wilfred Hahn, our first featured end times writer. He specializes in the Global economy. Not only is this a big and popular topic, it s completely enlightening to hear it's relationship to prophecy.

Until next time, you can email the show at . If I don't see you there, I will see you in the air!

Matt Buff

Rapture Ready Radio

Saturday, April 11, 2009

The Rapture Ready Radio Easter Special

Jimmy Z and I were really excited about our first Easter special. we were able to talk about the great sacrifice Jesus Christ made for us and His Resurrection to set us all free. Jesus told us that He would be back for us soon and to watch for signs. Well, these signs are all around us now and we are ready for His glorious return!

We also had Don Francisco on the show and what a testimony he gave! We played Don's amazing song "He's Alive" and Don told us that he too believed Jesus could rapture the church in our lifetimes! Check out Don's website at

Don Francisco

Todd and Terry from Rapture Ready ( also talked about the evidence that is in the economic and world news that we are seeing every day! It is such a blessing to hear these two talk about the coming rapture and tribulation, this is a segment you will not want to miss.

Check out for our brand new archives page to hear past shows!

Thank you and God bless!

Matt Buff
Rapture Ready Radio

Wednesday, April 8, 2009

April 7th 2009 Show Notes

This was the first show for Rapture Ready Radio and I had been battling the flu for several days. I was glad God gave me the strength to get through the show! The show featured several important end times related stories that can be found on The Italy earthquake was a big topic for the opener. Please pray for all of the people that are involved in the tragedy.

Larry Norman

We featured a segment on Larry Norman, the Christian rock singer who passed away last year. Then we talked about his life and how he made 100 solo albums in 40 years! His song "I Wish We'd All Been Ready" was a definite first song for us and we played it on the show. Hear the song on you tube here:

Todd and Terry, the founders of Rapture Ready gave a rousing round table discussion about the site's origin's.

Jimmy Z and I opened the Antichrist discussion with Biblical references to what the Antichrist will be like. Z talked about a great article from Bill Keller talking about George Soros:

All in all I thought it was a great first show. We are working on getting an archive on demand podcast of the show but for now the show can be hear at noon and 5:00 PM CST on the following day.

This Thursday We have Don Francisco on the show live nearly 1,976 years after Jesus Christ was taken into custody to die for our sins.

We will play "He's Alive" because He is Risen and He is coming back soon!

God Bless,

Matt Buff

Rapture Ready Radio